Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter to Rick Scott

Dear Gov. Rick Scott,

I'm writing you from Clearwater to tell you how important WMNF 88.5 is to me as a struggling college student. I am interested in a career in politics myself and depend on free independent news media. WMNF 88.5 has an excellent track record for honest news media. They cover local, national, and international news. I am willing to volunteer time at the station as well. I could try and bring a bigger donating crowd through my connections in both business and the youth of the bay area.

I would hate to see this station go away or any others like it. Is there any other alternative we can think of than cutting the funds for 88.5 WMNF?

Robert Ives

Anyone who would like to use this letter I encourage it.  Please help in protecting public radio!

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