Sunday, March 6, 2011

All Partisan Aside

Alright so the title might be a little misleading because after all I'm here promoting my political ideas. I just wanted to express my understanding for those who have a more conservative point of view than my own. That being said I want to dive into what my concerns are about what the Republican Party is trying to do in this country. Right Wing America refuses to pass legislation that would tax corporations more. Meanwhile, last fiscal year Bank of America and General Electric managed to pay zero dollars in taxes by slipping through tax code loopholes.

Despite what side of the political isle you may land on we must recognize that cutting social programs for the poor would not only hinder those who depend on those programs but also cut about 700,000 jobs if the House of Representatives gets their way.

Republicans are claiming to have an interest in promoting job creation by giving the richest of our nation the most. "Alright" we said, "we'll see where they're going with this." We bailed out Wall Street, making up for about half of the national deficit. JPMorgan Chase CEO just made $16 million in a bonus while teachers and police officers have to stand in the freezing cold for weeks just to fight for their right to ask for smaller class sizes or fair wages. Lets not forget that inflation has risen more than wages since the 1950's.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that regardless of whether you agree with the existence of these social institutions or not maybe we should consider looking towards a lack of regulation on the rich instead of a lack of regulation on the poor.

Sincerely, Robert Ives